3 Fundamental Traits every Professional should have

3 min readJan 28, 2022


With everything moving and changing at fast pace, the ingredients for the recipe of successful professional career is every increasing. But like any other game, it has some fundamentals and if those are strong, recipe can never go wrong. There are three fundamental traits which we all must have as a professional.


It does not matter where we stand in the hierarchy. It does not matter at which stage of the assignment/project we are. It does not matter how stupid we think our question is because there is only one stupid question, the one which is not asked. Having said that, being curious is not only about asking questions but trying to understand the holistic view. It is about trying to penetrate deep into it. At any point what we know may be only a drop in the ocean but that does not mean that we chose to remain oblivious about things that are not present right in front of us or beyond our understanding at any given point.

2. Focus on learning

One should always be his own competitor. We must always focus on only one thing and that is growing or evolving. There can be multiple sources of motivation for us and learning may or may not be one of those. But irrespective of that, there should be not be any compromise or discount on the learning part. As long as we are committed towards continuous learning and improvement, we will not lose relevance in the market. Market can be ruthless at times and we must not take it lightly.

3. Do not get comfortable

At the time of crisis which at some point or the other we all go through in our career, the first question that we ask ourselves is where was the red flag? Had I got one, I would/could have been more prepared. I myself had the same question when I went through a tough time in my career. Here the catch is. The red flag has always been with us all along for quite some time. It is in the shape of comfortability. The moment we find ourselves comfortable and we start feeling that the struggle to be relevant has almost vanished is nothing but the red flag. Now the question is should we move on right after we start getting comfortable. By this do I mean the struggle should continue without any break. The answer is a big NO. But that does not stop us from being prepared. We must always be prepared well in advance.

Thanks for reading. These are the three things that I think are most fundamental. Please let me know if you think we should include other traits in the list.





An avid reader, spoken word artist, dog lover, explorer, full stack qa engineer...

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